Fan Release
Catalog #
Release Year
2CD Length 58.27 | 62.27
Date/Venue Studio tracks from the NPGMC
Source Soundboard
Quality EX+
G2P Rating 4.5/5.0

Track Listing
Studio tracks from the NPG music club (disc 1 tracks 1 - 12)
Prince & George Clinton studio demo (track 13)
Live tracks from the NPG music club (disc 2)
Disc #1
  1. Intro. guitar jam
  2. Race [alternate version]
  3. Sadomasochistic groove
  4. Hypno paradise
  5. The holy river [instrumental]
  6. Judas smile
  7. Get wild [Miami mix]
  8. The contest song
  9. Rebirth of the flesh [rehearsal]
  10. Jukebox with a heartbeat
  11. Breathe
  12. Madrid 2 Chicago
  13. (Brother can U) Paradigm
              Disc #2
  1. Automatic [live 1986]
  2. D.M.S.R. [live 1986]
  3. The dance electric [live 1986]
  4. Instrumental live jam [live 2000]
  5. Controversy / Mutiny [live 2000]
  6. I could never take the place of your man [live 2000]
  7. The ballad of Dorothy Parker [live 2001]
  8. The work pt. 1 [live 2001]
  9. Live 4 love [live 1992]
  10. We gon' make it funky [live 2001]
  11. Gett off [live 1992]
  12. The question of U [live 2001]
  13. Instrumental jam [live 2001]
  14. Courtin' time [live 2001]
  15. Days of wild guitar jam [live 1995]

Mike's Comments(rates this release 4.5/5.0)
A nice round-up of some of the more interesting bits from the series of NPG radio shows. This is a counterpart to High so there's no overlapping of material. The bonus track at the end of the first disc is perhaps the best collaboration between Prince and George Clinton to date - stripped-down funky nonsense. It's not been released officially though Clinton did give away some copies of the song to fans during one of his live shows.


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