One Nite Alone Vegas 1CD
Fan Release
Catalog #
Release Year 2003
4CD Length 79:41
Date/Venue Las Vegas 15/12/02
Source Soundboard Recording
Quality EX++
G2P Rating 4.5/5.0

Track Listing
Aladdin, Las Vegas 15/12/02

Mike's Comments(rates this release 4.5/5.0)
An excellent audio copy of the much-maligned live DVD. The material works very well as an audio bootleg, coming across as a sort of highlights set of the One nite alone series of concerts. The weakest track here is 'Whole lotta love', as it often tended to be during the tour, but superb versions of 'Gotta broken heart again' and 'Sometimes it snows in April' more than compensate for this.


Copyright 2004 UG2P