One Nite Alone Nagoya 2CD
Fan Release
Catalog #
Release Year
2CD Length 57.26 | 57.16
Date/Venue Nagoya 29/11/02
Source Audience Recording
Quality EX
G2P Rating 3.5/5.0

Track Listing
Nagoya 29/11/02
Disc #1
  1. Drum solo
  2. The rainbow children
  3. Muse 2 the pharaoh
  4. Pop life
  5. Money don't matter 2night
  6. The work pt. 1
  7. Extraordinary
  8. 1 + 1 + 1 is 3 / Soul man / It's a new day
  9. Love rollercoaster
  10. Kiss [instrumental] / Housequake
  11. The question of U
              Disc #2
  1. Gotta broken heart again
  2. Strange relationship
  3. Pass the peas
  4. Whole lotta love
  5. Family name
  6. Take me with U
  7. The everlasting now
  8. Purple rain

Mike's Comments(rates this release 3.5/5.0)
A decent enough show in itself but somehow more is expected of tour-closers. In the past Prince has tended to end tours on a high note, the final show being a little longer than usual but the One nite alone tour just fizzled out with this show. At less than 2 hours in length it's a little on the short side. This should have been a party, instead it's another day at the office.


Copyright 2004 UG2P