Dublin Concert 1992 2CD
Fan Release
Catalog #
Release Year
2CD Length 71.38 | 72.22
Date/Venue Dublin 13/6/92
Source Audience Recording
Quality VG
G2P Rating 2/5.0

Track Listing
Dublin 13/6/92
Disc #1
  1. Intro.
  2. Take my hand, precious Lord
  3. Thunder
  4. Daddy pop
  5. Diamonds and pearls
  6. Let's go crazy
  7. Kiss
  8. Dead on it
  9. Jughead
  10. Purple rain
  11. Live 4 love
  12. Lively up yourself
  13. Delirious
  14. Damn U
              Disc #2
  1. Sexy MF
  2. Instrumental intro.
  3. Thieves in the temple
  4. Instrumental intro.
  5. Strollin'
  6. Insatiable
  7. Gett off
  8. Gett off [houstyle]
  9. The flow
  10. Dr Feelgood
  11. Cream
  12. Chain of fools
  13. 1999
  14. Baby I'm a star
  15. Push
  16. Outro.

Mike's Comments(rates this release 2/5.0)
A slightly better-than-average show despite the setlist which is more or less standard fare for this tour (aside from 'Delirious' which only popped up now and again). It's also one of the longest concerts from the Diamonds and pearls tour. A good souvenir if you were there, perhaps not a major priority if you weren't.


Copyright 2004 UG2P