Hardturm 1993 2CDR
Wild Records
Catalog #
Release Year   Edition of 500
2CDR Length
Date/Venue 29 August 1993 & Bonus
G2P Rating /5.0

Track Listing
Hardturm Stadium 29 August 1993
my name is prince, sexy mf, the beautiful ones, kiss, irresistable bitch, she's always in my hair, guitar solo, raspberry beret, sometimes it snows in april, the cross, sign o the times, purple rain, thunder, take me with u, nothing compares 2 u, and god created woman, diamonds & pearls, piano medley, venus de milo, little red corvette, strollin, scandalous, girls & boys, 7, mayte speech, 1999, baby i'm a star, america, dmsr, mpls jam, mpg jam, johnny, duece & a quarter, gold nigga, npg in the mf house
Kaufleutensaal Aftershow 20 August 1993
undertaker, 6, inst, delirious, blue light, come, endorphine machine


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