Fear And Loathing In Indianapolis 2CDR
Down Low Records
Catalog #
Release Year   
2CDR Length 71:30 | 72:24
Date/Venue Indianapolis 1 June 1998
Source Audience Recording
G2P Rating 1.5/5.0

Track Listing
Indianapolis 1 June 1998
Sweet Thing, Tell Me Something Good, You Got The Love, Everyday People, Talking Loud And Sayin Nothing, I Want To Take You Higher, Alphabet Street, Release Yourself, Purple Rain, The Ride, Bambi, Mad Sex, Come On, Lodi Dodi, Let's Work, Delirious, The One, Do Me Baby, How Come You Don't Call Me Anymore, Inianapolis Angel, Let's Go Crazy, She's Always In My Hair, U Got The Look, Kiss, Gett Off, The Show, Go Go Jam, Bustin Loose, The Jam

Deane's Comments (rates this release 1/5.0)
This would be a neat release if only the sound was good enough that you could enjoy listening to it. It is very fustrating becuase the show seems to be fairly neat, but the sound is so horrible I can only listen to a couple tracks at a time.

Dale's Comments  (rates this release 2/5.0)
There are some rare songs performed in this show, which makes it worth owning, but the sound quality is rather poor.

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