12 Inches To A Yard (atomic halo) 4CDR
Atomic Halo
Catalog #
Release Year 1998? US? 
4CDR Length 73:36? | 71:54? | 71:18? | 73:33?
Date/Venue Remixes & B-Sides
Source Pirate Of Released Remixes
G2P Rating 2.75/5.0

Track Listing
Sexy Dancer, Let's Work, Little Red Corvette, Let's Go Crazy, Erotic City, God, I Would Die 4 U, Another Lonely Christmas, She's Always In My Hair, Raspberry Beret, Girl, America, Pop Life Uk, Pop Life Us, Hello, Paisley Park, 4 The Tears In Your Eyes, Alexa De Paris, Kiss, Love Or Money, Mountains, Anotherloverholenyohead, La La La He He Hee, Shockadelica, U Got The Look, Housequake, Hot Thing, Alphabet St, Escape, Glam Slam, I Wish U Heaven, Scarlet Pussy, Partyman, Feel U Up, Gett Off, Pink Cashmere, Pope

Deane's Comments (rates this release 2.5/5.0)
Yet another pirate of Down Low Records title release of the same name.

Dale's Comments  (rates this release 3/5.0)
Why bother?? Yes the cover art seems to be better, but if you are going to spend the time improving that, why not make your own set with new content, etc.??

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